HOW SHE WEARS IT WITH SERENA MITNIK-MILLER, artist and shop owner General Store

If you were looking to find the origins of a certain brand of Southern California cool - inspired by artists like Agnes Martin, and Georgia O-Keefe, heavy on natural textures, tonal color palettes, minimalism through a warm lense, and an emphasis on quality - you'd find yourself looking at Serena Mitnik-Miller, a mother of two, an artist of the most serena watercolors, and one of the original founders of General Store.  

With outposts in Venice and San Francisco, General Store has become synonymous with highly-considered good taste.   

Serena's Malibu home echoes that same ethos as her store. It's spartan but never cold, curated but not fussy, and stylish without being intimidating. 

And, surprise, surprise, the woman behind the magic is every bit as lovely and cool. We caught up with her at home, wearing some of her favorite pieces from Sherman Field, to see how a true California-style icon wears it.